
In libris libertas.

Monday, June 06, 2005

My summer reading

Summer has unofficially begun, and I am sad to say that I have not read as much as I had hoped. I did finish The Dark Knight Returns, though. It was excellent: great story, great artwork, great cast. This is the graphic novel that redefined Batman as we know him today. It had a direct influence on Tim Burton's "Batman" (odd that Burton would later claim to never have read a comic book), which in turn inspired Batman: The Animated Series, probably the best Batman stories outside of the comics to date. Anyone interested in Batman or comics in general should check out this book.

I'm about halfway through The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, but it is not holding my attention. It's not bad, but not great. I just picked up Stephen King's On Writing, and I am hopeful that it will inspire me to write on a more regular basis than I have been. I also started HG Wells's War of the Worlds, but only because I want to read it before seeing the movie, and the movie already looks so lame that I'm having trouble sticking with it.

I am reading a lot of NT Wright's essays from the NT Wright Page. For a discussion of his series of lectures on evil, visit Screwing for Virginity.

I'm interested to know what you're reading and what you'd recommend to an avid reader currently in a literary wasteland.


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